What do we want children to learn (Our Intent)
By the time a child leaves our setting they will be:
-Emotionally resilient with a sense of safety, security, belonging and self-worth.
-Confident Communicators
-Curious and have a positive attitude to learning
-Independent and capable
Our Approach to Teaching and Learning (Implementation)
We believe in child-centred, holistic approach to learning, recognising that high levels of well-being and engagement will make successful learners.
We promote learning through play and allow children time and space, to explore, discover and develop their own ideas. Skilful adults engage and interact with the children, focusing and expanding on their interests and current development levels, ensuring each child is supported and challenged to reach their full potential. Practitioners watch for ‘teachable moments’ where we can extend and embed learning in the here and now.
We provide an enabling and purposeful environment to ensure children are inquisitive learners and allow opportunity for children to revisit, rehearse, consolidate and learn.
Alongside child-led learning, we have purposeful planning to introduce new skills, concepts and cater for gaps in learning, allowing ALL to thrive within our setting., holistic
We recognise the importance of outdoor play and the learning opportunities this brings, therefore, children are given access to outside throughout the sessions. We promote adventurous play within a safe environment, enabling children to build confidence, perseverance and resilience.
We use The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) to support the delivery of our curriculum. We place a strong emphasis on the Prime Areas of Learning and ensure this is embedded within our curriculum.
Children will be prepared for the next stage in their learning and ready for a positive start to school.